Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Exploring Cornstarch and Water

  November 6, 2012

   Today the children explored two colors of corn starch and water mixture on an incline.  Then a third color was added by using an eye dropper.  This activity has been an ongoing project, first the children made the mixture and now they are using the mixture made out of two colors on a ramp.  With the force of gravity making it go down, the colors mix by them self. The children were busy today exploring the concept of adding just colored water to the mixture to see what would happen.  By adding a third primary color, the children discovered even more like green, orange, purple even brown.

Watch the blue as it swirls in the mixture.
The children use their hand to make the mixture move down the incline.

Eye dropper was used to push blue into the corn starch andwater mixture