Thursday, January 23, 2014

Exploring Watercolor Painting

 In the beginning of this semester, we proposed the idea of exploring watercolor painting with the children.  We investigated the paints and all the materials that are used with watercolors to represent.  Together as small and whole groups we discussed the process to watercolors and how to make them work best for what we were intending. 

The children began to focus on techniques and observed each other as they practiced different strategies. Many of the children were making discrete marks and lines. They are also discovering that mixing colors changes the effects on the paper and can develop a different look.  

We discussed the amount of water we use, the type of brushes that work best, and we are beginning to have discussions about the different brush strokes to use.  The children have been very intentional in their decisions when painting.

Throughout this investigation so far, the children have strengthened vocabulary, enhanced fine motor skills, and developed a stronger conversation base among each other.  We will continue to explore these materials in different ways to extend our thinking and learning through representation.